hey hey - I am dead tired but had to be up early for a doc appt. Went to Dracula's Ball at Shampoo last night - it was pretty fun but fucking packed- got me a kewl pair of goggles and my new platforms came in time for it- spent the day babysitting for a friend of ours - her babysitter kinda flaked out on her and since they spent the night Fri night why the hell not - it was sooo much fun - she has the cutest lil 9mon old who is tech 6mons old since she was a premmie - got to give my first baby bath to a 9mon old - I've bathed toddlers b4 - but this was the first time for someone that small- I loved every sec of it- also got to take a nap with her - she falls asleep better if someone is with her and I was tired so I was happy to get a lil rest as well - my dog seamus even joined us . Having a lil one sleeping right next to u is such a joy - I really need to have a kid soon
anywho back to last night - my feet are still killing me - we missed seeing Cesium137 play - but eh at least I got me a kewl pair of googles so I was happy - stopped by the porn shop to visit witih brad for a few before heading home- can't wait till our damn car is out of the shop which will hopefully be tomor - it will save me a lot of money - cabs aren't cheap
aren't my new shoes fuckin cute - BE JEALOUS

anywho back to last night - my feet are still killing me - we missed seeing Cesium137 play - but eh at least I got me a kewl pair of googles so I was happy - stopped by the porn shop to visit witih brad for a few before heading home- can't wait till our damn car is out of the shop which will hopefully be tomor - it will save me a lot of money - cabs aren't cheap
aren't my new shoes fuckin cute - BE JEALOUS

Nice shoes