He walked towards the bathroom as he motioned for her to follow. A low rumble of thunder could be heard as a flash of lightening lit up the room. She made her way across the room .Waves crashed against the rocks as the rain started to fall. "How's your ass feeling ?" he asked as he turne on the shower. "It's a little sore , but not that bad." she answered while stepping under the stream of warm water. The water soothed her as his arms wrapped around her waist . He kissed her neck as he pressed himself against her , reaching over to grab some bath gel.
there's a little teaser of what's coming next - hehehehe
my SB just did a new set e666 Studded - check it out my lil hep kats and sex kittens - and leave comments since we love that shit as well as gettin nakkie on SG -

so there is this lil 70 yr old guy and he decided to treat himself for dinner at this real nice resturant-as he's sitting down he notices two priest at a table that's not to far from him and one of them happens to be the priest from his church- now this guy is a huge church goer- has been since he was a kid- thnxs to his mom- so as he's ordering he tells the waiter to treat the priests to any kinda of dessert that they want
the cost of it doesn't matter -the waiter goes over to the table and tells the two priests that the guy at the next table would like to buy them dessert and to order whatever they want- so they look at each other and the other priest whispers something into the waiters ear - so he goes back to the table and tells the guy well since we don't serve young boyscouts they decided to get the choc mousse instead
- was thinking of doing this as my new profile pic - but I love the one that's already up - though a lot of my peeps are loving this new pic of me - what do u think

fact about moi- I love being naughty and mischievous at times - seem to get into the most mischief when I'm bored or manic - hehehe and when that happens lots of fun can be had if u take part in it -
there's a little teaser of what's coming next - hehehehe
my SB just did a new set e666 Studded - check it out my lil hep kats and sex kittens - and leave comments since we love that shit as well as gettin nakkie on SG -

so there is this lil 70 yr old guy and he decided to treat himself for dinner at this real nice resturant-as he's sitting down he notices two priest at a table that's not to far from him and one of them happens to be the priest from his church- now this guy is a huge church goer- has been since he was a kid- thnxs to his mom- so as he's ordering he tells the waiter to treat the priests to any kinda of dessert that they want
the cost of it doesn't matter -the waiter goes over to the table and tells the two priests that the guy at the next table would like to buy them dessert and to order whatever they want- so they look at each other and the other priest whispers something into the waiters ear - so he goes back to the table and tells the guy well since we don't serve young boyscouts they decided to get the choc mousse instead
- was thinking of doing this as my new profile pic - but I love the one that's already up - though a lot of my peeps are loving this new pic of me - what do u think

fact about moi- I love being naughty and mischievous at times - seem to get into the most mischief when I'm bored or manic - hehehe and when that happens lots of fun can be had if u take part in it -
There are more pictures like that. But that doesn't mean anyones every gonna see them.
Well one person has seen them and she wants to paint me. Now I have to killer her.

My, how vicious of you.