Hello. Will you read my blog?
I doubt it. Although I hope you do.
I'm so fucking happy cuz we went to the 30 seconds to mars concert! It was RAD. Jared is amazing <3
I jumped like a tiny little flea all concert and unleashed all my stress and energy.
I even cried. God damn, i cried. It was the first time i cried in a concert. I felt so fucking emo xD
Anyway, ppl were pushing so badly that irving fell down xD
Too bad they played only 60 gay minutes. It should have lasted longer. What makes me feel better is that they're coming back soon (or so leto said) and that those 60 minutes were worth going to mexico city.
...and when we came out, i found a flyer of the Taste of Chaos tour coming to mexico city. I yelled "woopeeee!!" and i jumped all around the place until i jumped on top of irving and hugged him like a koala holds to a tree.
It was an awesome night. I came back, exhausted. Next day i had a french test.
I did okay, hehe, it rhymes, gay okay. Anyway. Yeah, it wasn't THAT bad. I hope i pass. I did poorly in the oral mainly because i was nervous.
Although i'm not worried. Halloween is coming and there's been full beautiful moons and ALOT of windy cold days. My lips suffer, but the skies are so blue and beautiful.
Saturday we had no money except the money my mother gave us to go to Cotsco and buy her groceries. The parking lot was almost empty and we kicked a box around. It was so much fun, air kept taking it away.
oh what a very interesting blog i have right?
I doubt it. Although I hope you do.
I'm so fucking happy cuz we went to the 30 seconds to mars concert! It was RAD. Jared is amazing <3
I jumped like a tiny little flea all concert and unleashed all my stress and energy.
I even cried. God damn, i cried. It was the first time i cried in a concert. I felt so fucking emo xD
Anyway, ppl were pushing so badly that irving fell down xD
Too bad they played only 60 gay minutes. It should have lasted longer. What makes me feel better is that they're coming back soon (or so leto said) and that those 60 minutes were worth going to mexico city.
...and when we came out, i found a flyer of the Taste of Chaos tour coming to mexico city. I yelled "woopeeee!!" and i jumped all around the place until i jumped on top of irving and hugged him like a koala holds to a tree.
It was an awesome night. I came back, exhausted. Next day i had a french test.
I did okay, hehe, it rhymes, gay okay. Anyway. Yeah, it wasn't THAT bad. I hope i pass. I did poorly in the oral mainly because i was nervous.
Although i'm not worried. Halloween is coming and there's been full beautiful moons and ALOT of windy cold days. My lips suffer, but the skies are so blue and beautiful.
Saturday we had no money except the money my mother gave us to go to Cotsco and buy her groceries. The parking lot was almost empty and we kicked a box around. It was so much fun, air kept taking it away.
oh what a very interesting blog i have right?

chilo chilo
Al Pit, jejejeje el nico en el ke cabe tanto cabrn, jejejeje... Por cierto, tocamos el sabado aparentemente, yo te aviso, a ver si ahora s te lanzas!!!