i just wanted to wish everyone out there a very merry passover. i am going to my congragational sedar tomrrow night. can't wait!!! i have so much fun with those people. joe can't go because i forgot to make a reservation for him. i'm a bad wife. oh well there's always next year. so this year i have chosen to do the whole passover fast; so no risen bread, rice or beans.
i will post pics from the sedar sometime next week.

i will post pics from the sedar sometime next week.

thank you for the congrats!! i am both terribly excited and terribly scared. i cant wait to move, yet i am so afraid that somehow i will not be able to afford it, or that i will get fired or something... such is the facts of life, though, i guess... regardless, its a cool thing. and for all of my pseudo-whining, i am kind of happy to be doing the adult thing. for real...
hope alls well with you!!