today has gone well. i got offered a job working as a tutor for the fall! that means i can quit my job come august!! i am so damn happy!!!
about the 7th of next month; maybe we can meet up at starbucks? let me know what you guys want do pre and post rocky horror.

about the 7th of next month; maybe we can meet up at starbucks? let me know what you guys want do pre and post rocky horror.
Congrats on the possible job! The flood was certainly not of biblical proportions, but a pain in the ass nonetheless! Yep, loves me some Misfits!!! I'm hangin' in there. I SHOULD be in bed. 4hrs. per night just ain't cuttin' it. Hope the rest of your week rocks! !

Yeah i plan on going to rocky with you guys..feb 7th right? are there plans to meet before hand or what? How you doing? I just moved , my house was sold and buldozed to make room for a new road....yay