i have been fucking busy lately but i got the MADONNA album!!!! i have been running home since it came out to listening to it.. i just move my body to the whole album. so this semster is closely coming to a close that means that i have to work my little ass off to get everything done before i turn into a pumkin. i have another doctor appt on dec 2nd so everyone wish me luck!!
have a great thanksgiving!!
have a great thanksgiving!!

Here's somethin' goofy. I used to work at Madison Square Garden when I lived in NYC a few years ago. At that time, Music had just come out and Madonna was gonna have a concert at the Garden. So I sent my 45 vinyl of Vogue through the "right channels" to see if Madonna could autograph it. A PR person for Madonna got a hold of it and said she couldn't autograph it. Oh well. The funny part is that the PR person didn't even know what that it was vinyl. Sad, but funny.