thanks to everyone for all of the beautiful birthday wishes. i am feeling SO much better. it turns out that it was the antibitoic i was taking for the infection that i had in my boob. i have an appointment with a endocranologist at baylor next week; i have a shit load of questions for her. i hope she's cool with answering all of them. the semester is almost over and i jsut made an A on a test in my poli sci class!!
so studying on my birthday did pay off!!
how is everyone's halloween going? i have to help out for honor society tonight. we are having a halloween carnival for the children of the professors.
i will be celebrating my birthday this weekend and favorite aunt is coming on her way back from argentina. hopefully i will be able to get some nice pics.
don't eat alot of candy tonight.

how is everyone's halloween going? i have to help out for honor society tonight. we are having a halloween carnival for the children of the professors.
i will be celebrating my birthday this weekend and favorite aunt is coming on her way back from argentina. hopefully i will be able to get some nice pics.
don't eat alot of candy tonight.

wow, that sounds like a blast!!!!!! awesome. i hope you have a great time, in the truth, texans always know how to have a good time!!! a good hause gathering with the whole big family!!! so much fun...

miss u