so ive been looking at places and i think its time to make a decision. theres a big house with a bunch of different people, mostly students. its in a super nice area, 5 mins for work. they have 3 dogs, i can bring my cat, and they are totally cool with friends coming over or family coming to visit. but it is the most expensive of the three. then theres an apartment with a room for rent with a 28yr old high school teacher. he seems nice, and theres lots of storage, but no pets and theres no patio or anything. it is about 4 blocks from downtown. lastly is a house that mostly just houses students from miis. quiet, there was a big room with its own bathroom available right next to the kitchen, but apparently lots of people were looking at in. no cats and it smelled funny. so now i gotta make a decision by this evening. i think im leaning towards the first one. let me know what u guys think, second opinions are always good

i think the first one is the way to go. Maslow states you must also meet your sociological needs. If the money isn't gonna kill you having a cool place just makes your life better and less depressing all the way around.. Good luck!!