i cant beleive its christmas already! it doesnt feel like it at all. i guess it doesnt really matter too much, ill be working. i made baskets for everyone this year. i figured its a good way to save some cash. its just one more thing i have to do now. i called in sick to work today. i figure its my xmas present to myself. a day without having to go to that horrible place! i really do hate it, but i figure i better get used to it because i need the insurance. at least for a few more months till i can get my wisdom teeth out. then ill start looking around. i cant wait until the day i can say fuck you i quit! haha, i get giddy just thinking about it! lol well everyone, have a great xmas
I'm in the same boat as you; ready to get a new job but I need the country club's insurance to have my wisdom teeth pulled as well. Good luck on your sets going live.