I think someone should stab Ann Coulter in the cunt.
I'm watching her on Hannity and Colmes and it's pretty much nauseating. Does the woman even ANSWER a question?
Gahh. How infurating.
I leave Vegas tomorrow morning. It's ok though all good thingsmust come to an end.
I am going back to work monday and it will be absolute hell. Because...one of the people I work with has quit nad his last day is next Friday. He is one of the three pillars of our company and things are going to fucking fall apart. Shit.
I'm watching her on Hannity and Colmes and it's pretty much nauseating. Does the woman even ANSWER a question?
Gahh. How infurating.
I leave Vegas tomorrow morning. It's ok though all good thingsmust come to an end.
I am going back to work monday and it will be absolute hell. Because...one of the people I work with has quit nad his last day is next Friday. He is one of the three pillars of our company and things are going to fucking fall apart. Shit.
viva la vie boheme, indeed.