My best friend, the one person (aside from my mother) that I can rely on for absolutely anything, called me today to tell me that he will no longer be staying in Japan for what seemed like a stable and secure deployment. He is now being deployed to Afghanistan to protect other soldiers. I was absolutely distraught when he told me what was going to happen. I hate this fucking bullshit war nonsense. Not one newspaper article, television broadcast, or person's opinion can justify the reasons given to send my friend away. I've been paying attention to what's going on and there is no reason why he needs to be there right now. I know he's upset. He just wont admit it. He's hiding what's really going to happen, because he doesn't want to scare me. I hate that he calls me to tell me how much he wishes he were home. I miss my best friend, and I want him to be safe. THIS SUCKS!

Josh ended up running him off 

Speaking of creepy guy...