About six months or so ago I had a very intense dream. As a whole, the dream was quite simple, and was not very hard to interpret. There was, however, one specific detailed image that stood out in my mind. It struck me so hard, and signified such an important time in my life that I have wanted to have it painted ever since. I found several artists/friends who said they would paint it for me, but when it came down to actually getting it done, have either forgotten about it, or just not felt like doing it. I am more than willing to pay someone to do this for me. If anyone knows of a local artist in Orlando will you please let me know who they are? I would really like to at least have it drawn out, so that I might have it tattooed on my body one day. My drawing and painting skills are just about as good as my sense of direction, so any help offered would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe you can goto a tattoo place and tell them what you want and let them draw it. You don't have to get it done, but at least you can see it drawn out.
Aren't you back yet????????????