I got into a really silly mood the other day and was thinking of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon. My friend saw it when she was little, and she reminded me of the movie they made of it. I decided to order it from Netflix and while I was working I had it on for background noise. I will be watching it tonight with her. It had an all star cast, and there were some good one liners.
Normally on Wednesdays we go a few miles south of here for dinner. Today she is running very late so I guess we will do something local, as we have to watch the movie and rearrange some things here for my business.
I may be seeing one of my all time favorite people from the site on Sunday, I will be in her neck of the woods for a business deal and it would be nice to meet her in person.
I got into a heated disagreement with a friend about what the news should be. In my opinion it should be the facts, all the facts and not be slanted in any way. I see sound bytes taken out of context used by some to influence the meaning of the news.
I just read that my definition of the news is not realistic. A woman got fired from a FOX affiliate when she would not read something that she knew was blatently false. She sued and won a settlement but it was overturned as they said she did not do her job and was rightfully terminated. I guess telling the truth and keeping your job are two different things.
I saw an article about how the BBC news was bad for all, it came from Ruppert Murdochs son, gee, I guess telling the truth riles old Ruppies shorts.
Normally on Wednesdays we go a few miles south of here for dinner. Today she is running very late so I guess we will do something local, as we have to watch the movie and rearrange some things here for my business.
I may be seeing one of my all time favorite people from the site on Sunday, I will be in her neck of the woods for a business deal and it would be nice to meet her in person.
I got into a heated disagreement with a friend about what the news should be. In my opinion it should be the facts, all the facts and not be slanted in any way. I see sound bytes taken out of context used by some to influence the meaning of the news.
I just read that my definition of the news is not realistic. A woman got fired from a FOX affiliate when she would not read something that she knew was blatently false. She sued and won a settlement but it was overturned as they said she did not do her job and was rightfully terminated. I guess telling the truth and keeping your job are two different things.
I saw an article about how the BBC news was bad for all, it came from Ruppert Murdochs son, gee, I guess telling the truth riles old Ruppies shorts.

I haven't had the opportunity to practice in the past few years, but I must have honed my skills at a younger age, because it worked out fine, physically anyway.