I lost my wallet at some point yesterday. I was all over the place yesterday, so i have no clue where I could have left it. Not good, not good at all.
I saw Land of the Dead last night. I ran into him at the theatre. It was awkward. Incredibly awkward.
I don't know whether i have food poisening or if it is just from stress, but I'm incredibly sick to my stomach. I had sashimi yesterday at this new place, so I really think it might be mild food poisening. Being sick sucks.
I woke up this morning and freaked out because i wasn't sure if I had to work or not. I had written out my schedule on a piece of paper, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the date was today. So, I called my grandma and asked her. Thank god I'm a moron, otherwise i would have been over two hours late for work today. And that, my friends, is not a good thing.
I went to TGIFriday's on Friday and was so glad that I work where I work. I tried to get a job at TGIFriday's, but didn't end up getting it. Now I'm super grateful. That place is so loud and chaotic. I love the resturaunt where I work. It's calm and rarely ever super crowded. And I get paid better than I would at TGIF's. Especially when I work the doors for the club. I make hella bank then. That's my favorite job at Ring's. It's even easier than hostessing, which is simple as fuck on it's own.
I ordered Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangly Sexy by Mindless Self Indulgence today because i lost my old copy.
I can't wait to get my new plugs in the mail.
I finally got my SG stickers. I love them. I need a digi camera desperately. Not just for the army, but also for funness. Perhaps my paycheck will be spent on that.
Here is how paycheck will be divided:
$50 to bank account
$50 to Henry
and whatever is left will go towards a camera, cigarettes, milk for the house, and if possible, my nape piercing and/or new tattoo
I guess Flick pissed Myke off yesterday. Or was it Thursday? I can't remember. It seems like that boy, from what I hear, has been quite cocky recently.
I think Myke, Lindsey, Martin, and I are hanging out tonight. Maybe not, though. Gotta wait until Martin and Myke are done with band practice to find out. Also, I have to wait for Lindsey to get her hair done. I don't understand why she goes to her stylist. He never cuts her hair the way she wants it. He always adds his own little ideas in and she usually has to fix it. I admit, he does dye hair really well and his reds last forever, but she needs to stop hving him cut her hair. If only we could find out what color brand he uses ....
I saw Land of the Dead last night. I ran into him at the theatre. It was awkward. Incredibly awkward.
I don't know whether i have food poisening or if it is just from stress, but I'm incredibly sick to my stomach. I had sashimi yesterday at this new place, so I really think it might be mild food poisening. Being sick sucks.
I woke up this morning and freaked out because i wasn't sure if I had to work or not. I had written out my schedule on a piece of paper, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the date was today. So, I called my grandma and asked her. Thank god I'm a moron, otherwise i would have been over two hours late for work today. And that, my friends, is not a good thing.
I went to TGIFriday's on Friday and was so glad that I work where I work. I tried to get a job at TGIFriday's, but didn't end up getting it. Now I'm super grateful. That place is so loud and chaotic. I love the resturaunt where I work. It's calm and rarely ever super crowded. And I get paid better than I would at TGIF's. Especially when I work the doors for the club. I make hella bank then. That's my favorite job at Ring's. It's even easier than hostessing, which is simple as fuck on it's own.
I ordered Frankenstein Girls Will Seem Strangly Sexy by Mindless Self Indulgence today because i lost my old copy.
I can't wait to get my new plugs in the mail.
I finally got my SG stickers. I love them. I need a digi camera desperately. Not just for the army, but also for funness. Perhaps my paycheck will be spent on that.
Here is how paycheck will be divided:
$50 to bank account
$50 to Henry
and whatever is left will go towards a camera, cigarettes, milk for the house, and if possible, my nape piercing and/or new tattoo
I guess Flick pissed Myke off yesterday. Or was it Thursday? I can't remember. It seems like that boy, from what I hear, has been quite cocky recently.
I think Myke, Lindsey, Martin, and I are hanging out tonight. Maybe not, though. Gotta wait until Martin and Myke are done with band practice to find out. Also, I have to wait for Lindsey to get her hair done. I don't understand why she goes to her stylist. He never cuts her hair the way she wants it. He always adds his own little ideas in and she usually has to fix it. I admit, he does dye hair really well and his reds last forever, but she needs to stop hving him cut her hair. If only we could find out what color brand he uses ....
have a nice week sweetie