I have a headache because I forgot to turn the heater off before I fell asleep.
I went for a second interview at this fragrance company in South San Francisco yesterday. It was a group interview and I totally kicked ass. I got the job. They're going to start training me to be a manager of my own office tomorrow. And they don't give a shit about piercings and tattoos, which makes me happy. Now I don't have to invest in billions of band-aids when I finally get my nape. I can let it hang out in all it's body mod glory. I only have to dress nice three days of the work week, the other three are casual. That's good because I don't have many clothes, and most of what I do have is casual stuff. I only have three nice shirts and two nice pairs of slacks. The rest of my clothes are made up of two pairs of jeans, two skirts, one dress, and about eight tee shirts. So, the casual thing works out to my clothing advantage. Ashley and I have decided that once we both get paid, we're heading over to the Ross in Berkeley to expand my work wardrobe and her play wardrobe.
The only negative to my new job is that the training is an hour bus ride away. Once my training is complete, though, I'll be choosing my office location, so I can request one that is closer to home.
I'm just really excited about this job. It pays well, has benefits, lots and lots of company trips, and all the people seem pretty fuckin' awesome. Also, Amanda is starting her training with me, tomorrow. They actually asked me if I would have any problem possibly being partners with her and running an office together. Of course not. I'd love that.
AS long as we don't end up getting that place together. Because if I live with that woman, no fuckin' way will I be able to work with her as well. It's just not a healthy thing, I think. People need time apart so that they don't rip eachother's throats out ... especially Amanda and I.
I went for a second interview at this fragrance company in South San Francisco yesterday. It was a group interview and I totally kicked ass. I got the job. They're going to start training me to be a manager of my own office tomorrow. And they don't give a shit about piercings and tattoos, which makes me happy. Now I don't have to invest in billions of band-aids when I finally get my nape. I can let it hang out in all it's body mod glory. I only have to dress nice three days of the work week, the other three are casual. That's good because I don't have many clothes, and most of what I do have is casual stuff. I only have three nice shirts and two nice pairs of slacks. The rest of my clothes are made up of two pairs of jeans, two skirts, one dress, and about eight tee shirts. So, the casual thing works out to my clothing advantage. Ashley and I have decided that once we both get paid, we're heading over to the Ross in Berkeley to expand my work wardrobe and her play wardrobe.
The only negative to my new job is that the training is an hour bus ride away. Once my training is complete, though, I'll be choosing my office location, so I can request one that is closer to home.
I'm just really excited about this job. It pays well, has benefits, lots and lots of company trips, and all the people seem pretty fuckin' awesome. Also, Amanda is starting her training with me, tomorrow. They actually asked me if I would have any problem possibly being partners with her and running an office together. Of course not. I'd love that.
AS long as we don't end up getting that place together. Because if I live with that woman, no fuckin' way will I be able to work with her as well. It's just not a healthy thing, I think. People need time apart so that they don't rip eachother's throats out ... especially Amanda and I.
hi. i dont know youi, but i stumbled across your journal bc you live near me and, i really dont mean to ruin your excitement, but the job youre talking about, i think, is a scam. my friend natalie did the same thing, and it ended up being some bs job where you sell knock off perfume and reap a small fraction of the profits. i think its the same one bc hers was also in south city. i just wanted to warn you... i hope yours is a different company (ps i think we know the same people, so im gonna add you as a friend)
i will do my best