It's been awhile since I had internet access, subsequently it's been awhile since I've updated my journal.
I suppose that nothing of any real importance has happened. That is usually how it goes. I continue to sleep badly and chain smoke.
I had to get out of the house today. It's been driving me crazy. I usually just sit in my room and read for most of the day, and then go out in the late afternoon, getting home around 10 or 11, when I then play cards with Loki, do something art oriented, watch Adult Swim, then straighten up my room before falling asleep. However, today (as mentioned earlier) I had to get out. I just left with no real plans, ended up walking down to the mall to see if Tower had any new zines. Of course, they didn't have that many new ones, and the new ones that they did have didn't interest me. I ran into Sean at Tower, said hello to him. The mall bored me, as it usually does, with it's high priced ugly things, so I walked to Goodwill and ended up buying myself a book called "H". It's pretty interesting so far- letters to, from, and about a boy who thinks his stuffed letter H is an alien named Elliott. Made my way over to my house, where I sat down and had a cigarette with my mom before heading over to the park to meet up with Jeff and AJ. And here I am, sitting in AJ's room with Jeff staring over my shoulder because he saw his name.
What a full and interestind day, eh? Not really. But that is just how it goes these days. I'm starting to grow restless with my life. Generally, I'm pretty satisfied with my uneventful and mundane life, but it is starting to zslowly drive me crazy. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself, I feel so full of energy (or whatever you want to call it) that I feel like I'm going to go mad with it. Mainly because I don't have an outlet. I used to not be like this. I wasn't always this withdrawn. I used to sureround myself with lots of people, lots of excitement. I don't know how I allowed myself to become so withdrawn, such a hermit. I need a little stimulation in my life, a little tumult. Just somethintg.
I suppose that nothing of any real importance has happened. That is usually how it goes. I continue to sleep badly and chain smoke.
I had to get out of the house today. It's been driving me crazy. I usually just sit in my room and read for most of the day, and then go out in the late afternoon, getting home around 10 or 11, when I then play cards with Loki, do something art oriented, watch Adult Swim, then straighten up my room before falling asleep. However, today (as mentioned earlier) I had to get out. I just left with no real plans, ended up walking down to the mall to see if Tower had any new zines. Of course, they didn't have that many new ones, and the new ones that they did have didn't interest me. I ran into Sean at Tower, said hello to him. The mall bored me, as it usually does, with it's high priced ugly things, so I walked to Goodwill and ended up buying myself a book called "H". It's pretty interesting so far- letters to, from, and about a boy who thinks his stuffed letter H is an alien named Elliott. Made my way over to my house, where I sat down and had a cigarette with my mom before heading over to the park to meet up with Jeff and AJ. And here I am, sitting in AJ's room with Jeff staring over my shoulder because he saw his name.
What a full and interestind day, eh? Not really. But that is just how it goes these days. I'm starting to grow restless with my life. Generally, I'm pretty satisfied with my uneventful and mundane life, but it is starting to zslowly drive me crazy. Sometimes I just don't know what to do with myself, I feel so full of energy (or whatever you want to call it) that I feel like I'm going to go mad with it. Mainly because I don't have an outlet. I used to not be like this. I wasn't always this withdrawn. I used to sureround myself with lots of people, lots of excitement. I don't know how I allowed myself to become so withdrawn, such a hermit. I need a little stimulation in my life, a little tumult. Just somethintg.
in my second school- time it was very funny, cause i was the grandpa of the class. the other students were 10 or more years younger...
i spent my energy to be the best male in class. it was a nice work, and of course, i was the best male
i'm a damn perfectionist, but i can handle it.
L.A. is a dream...