Today was my dad's birthday, so Matt, Ashley, my brother, and I went to my dad's grave. We sat down and smoked a cigarette while Ash and I made daisy chains to decorate his grave stone with. I am proud of the way I handled myself today. I wasn't sure how I was going to do, if I was going to break down or if I'd be okay. I only cried once, briefly, when Ashley hugged me. We went to the young people's NA meeting in Redwood. Was a good meeting. Spoke briefly about higher power, and how I don't particularly have one. That I just pray to a wall or my shoe or whatever. That the point is that I can turn my will over, that not everything is about what I want. That sometimes, I've got to depend on things/people other than myself.
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 23, 2005
Girls When he leaves, he leaves a space, a big or little airless… -
Thursday Jun 23, 2005
Ah, nothing much to comment on. I've just been discovering the var… -
Monday Jun 20, 2005
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Sunday Jun 19, 2005
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Thursday Jun 09, 2005
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Sunday Jun 05, 2005
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Friday Jun 03, 2005
There is a cat outside meowing in a very annoying way. I'm out of… -
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
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Tuesday May 31, 2005
I just woke up. For the fifth or sixth time. The only difference is t… -
Monday May 30, 2005
So many birthday's, so little time. During the week, Matt's Grandpa. …