Guess who's drunk?
bing bing bing! You win the prize...
So here's my dillemna (sp?)...
the Dirtbombs are playing in Dallas tuesday night (tonight, actually) - and I kinda need to go seeing as Mick & I have been in a couple bands together & go WAY back. Problem is... my VERY recent ex-girlfriend of 2.5 years is a huge fan of the Dirtbombs AND the 45s (who are playing w/ them), and I'm DREADING seeing her - for no other reason than it's just gonna bum the both of us out pretty severly, seeing as we haven't seen each other face-to-face since we broke up (she went out of town while I packed my shit and moved out). It wont be mean & spiteful so much as it'll just be really painful (for both of us) to see each other. I've got band practice before the show and the other guys are DEFINITELY going to the show afterwards. I'm tempted to just not go, and email Mick an apology/explanation - but FUCK... I can't run from this forever. She quit drinking, and I doubled my intake. I'm a sad sad fucker lately, but I never get mean & nasty when I'm drunk (kinda loud & dorky, yes... but never mean). Maybe under the circumstances, she wont go - coz she KNOWS I'll be there, but maybe that WILL in fact motivate her to go. I dunno - so many variables... Without the whole story - it's impossible for anyone to have an opinion on the matter - but I'm loaded (AND spellchecking - sue me.) and I'm REALLY fucking confused about what to do, so I'm asking you fuckers for your 2 (which I'll no doubt regret when I'm sober & working my boring computer gig tomorrow).
What would YOU do?
-a. cuervo
bing bing bing! You win the prize...
So here's my dillemna (sp?)...
the Dirtbombs are playing in Dallas tuesday night (tonight, actually) - and I kinda need to go seeing as Mick & I have been in a couple bands together & go WAY back. Problem is... my VERY recent ex-girlfriend of 2.5 years is a huge fan of the Dirtbombs AND the 45s (who are playing w/ them), and I'm DREADING seeing her - for no other reason than it's just gonna bum the both of us out pretty severly, seeing as we haven't seen each other face-to-face since we broke up (she went out of town while I packed my shit and moved out). It wont be mean & spiteful so much as it'll just be really painful (for both of us) to see each other. I've got band practice before the show and the other guys are DEFINITELY going to the show afterwards. I'm tempted to just not go, and email Mick an apology/explanation - but FUCK... I can't run from this forever. She quit drinking, and I doubled my intake. I'm a sad sad fucker lately, but I never get mean & nasty when I'm drunk (kinda loud & dorky, yes... but never mean). Maybe under the circumstances, she wont go - coz she KNOWS I'll be there, but maybe that WILL in fact motivate her to go. I dunno - so many variables... Without the whole story - it's impossible for anyone to have an opinion on the matter - but I'm loaded (AND spellchecking - sue me.) and I'm REALLY fucking confused about what to do, so I'm asking you fuckers for your 2 (which I'll no doubt regret when I'm sober & working my boring computer gig tomorrow).
What would YOU do?
-a. cuervo
hey sweetie...shit, i wish i woulda seen this last night. the same thing happened to me and my most recent ex. it ended up being a really big show, and i only saw him twice all night, and yeah, im not gonna say it wasn't hard, but i'm glad i went anyway. and you're right, she might not go. just find your friends, hang with them, and try to have fun. i bet you'll be glad you went. but what you really should have done was come down to austin last night and dragged my lazy ass to the show at emos. i'm such a lame-o. but hey i did drive in a van 18 hours till yesterday morning. i hope it goes well, baby.

sorry to be late on the input but you should really go see the show....or rather i hope you went and saw the show