So I think I met the sweetest boy in the whole world. He came over to my house and we watched a movie. Then a few days later he told me to be sure and check my mail. Sooo tonite when i got home I checked it and He fucking mailed me a mix cd with a lot of good songs on there. I had mentioned that I loved the song rocket man and he put that on there too. awww. oh oh oh and He drew a picture and put it in the cd case....Now if you fuckers read my info you will see that this is the bestest thing anyone can do for me. And I never told him. *swoon*

I sent you an e-mail ... get back to me
*shrugs* maybe one day there will be hope for us other softies? :\
good luck on yer new beau and all
movies rock, so does elton john and music