I've had a lot of fun burning bridges these past couple of weeks. I am no longer speaking to two "friends" for various reasons. One of the reasons being they decided it would be funny to dare this guy that I may have possibly flirted with once to go up to my ex and say that I was good in bed. I never had sex with him. Nevertheless, that wasn't said. He did go up and speak to my ex, and then :"my friends" all stood back ang laughed. I was no where around--as a matter of fact I wasnt even in town. I still got bitched at by the ex. I really didnt see the point in them doing that. My ex and I are still very good friends. I guess they are still stuck in high school...and I am not. I cant deal with that shit.
On a good note, I fiiiinally graduated and got my A.A. with a 2.99999999. I am signed up at the university now...and continuing with my original major--social work.
On a good note, I fiiiinally graduated and got my A.A. with a 2.99999999. I am signed up at the university now...and continuing with my original major--social work.

Glad to hear about your schooling though, That's some really good news.