Hellos all
It has been awhile since the last blog update, mostly due to laziness but also a fair amount of time spent without either the internet or a working PC.
The old desktop PC has apparently reached her expiration date, every time I turn it off she forgets that she has a modem...and hard drives.
The past couple weeks has been great in SA thanks to our yearly conglomeration of public holidays
Tarion,Punkskunk, Xaosnyte and talamia were going to come down and visit but could not make it unfortunately
sucks but what can one do. My brother came down for about a week and a half which was great as i have not seen him for a long time.
During this time i thought him the great and deadly art of Sissy fighting (also known as slap dancing)

Lumo also bought me Arkham Horror
I am like it so far but good god it is confusing.
Speaking of Lumo she has a new set out bought and everything! if you have not seen it go check it out. Aqua Lumo Rocks!
Lumo - Anadyomene
Lastly i found this little fellow and will leave you with a pic of her:

It has been awhile since the last blog update, mostly due to laziness but also a fair amount of time spent without either the internet or a working PC.
The old desktop PC has apparently reached her expiration date, every time I turn it off she forgets that she has a modem...and hard drives.

The past couple weeks has been great in SA thanks to our yearly conglomeration of public holidays

Tarion,Punkskunk, Xaosnyte and talamia were going to come down and visit but could not make it unfortunately

During this time i thought him the great and deadly art of Sissy fighting (also known as slap dancing)

Lumo also bought me Arkham Horror

Speaking of Lumo she has a new set out bought and everything! if you have not seen it go check it out. Aqua Lumo Rocks!
Lumo - Anadyomene
Lastly i found this little fellow and will leave you with a pic of her:

Good venue. One of the nicest music venues in Joburg for sure.