Hellos all!
I made a startling discovery today.
I chose my name because of my absolute <3 of all things Cephalopod. Cuttlefish are ridiculously cute little beasties as can be seen here:

I heard the word cuddlefish mentioned on some blog or other this week and was rather confused as i thought i came up with it myself. so one quick Google search later brings me to the good old Urban Dictionary(which we all know never lies)
" Cuddlefish
A seemingly gay male that slips under your radar because you thought he "wasn't competition". Origin: Discovery Channel Two ways to mate with a real cuttlefish female. Dominance: Be a dominate male, force your way upon her, and fight all the other cuttlefish away. Disguise: Some males change there body to look like a female, thus tricking the dominant type into letting the cuttlefish secretly mate with the female."

The worst part about all of this is how fucking accurate that is! Most people that meet me seem to think i am gay and to quote Xaosnyte when me him and talamia were all living together: "it is like living with 2 girls!" said in an exasperated tone.
I told Lumo about this and she almost collapsed laughing and did it so loud her next door neighbor knocked on the wall

I guess sometimes you don't pick the name it just picks you...
Lastly if you have not yet done it go give the lovely Arq's set OMG
cheers peoples
I made a startling discovery today.
I chose my name because of my absolute <3 of all things Cephalopod. Cuttlefish are ridiculously cute little beasties as can be seen here:

I heard the word cuddlefish mentioned on some blog or other this week and was rather confused as i thought i came up with it myself. so one quick Google search later brings me to the good old Urban Dictionary(which we all know never lies)
" Cuddlefish
A seemingly gay male that slips under your radar because you thought he "wasn't competition". Origin: Discovery Channel Two ways to mate with a real cuttlefish female. Dominance: Be a dominate male, force your way upon her, and fight all the other cuttlefish away. Disguise: Some males change there body to look like a female, thus tricking the dominant type into letting the cuttlefish secretly mate with the female."

The worst part about all of this is how fucking accurate that is! Most people that meet me seem to think i am gay and to quote Xaosnyte when me him and talamia were all living together: "it is like living with 2 girls!" said in an exasperated tone.
I told Lumo about this and she almost collapsed laughing and did it so loud her next door neighbor knocked on the wall

I guess sometimes you don't pick the name it just picks you...
Lastly if you have not yet done it go give the lovely Arq's set OMG
cheers peoples
wow, perfect start to a Monday morning. it was awesome seeing Lumo and yourself last night
Isn't she just grand?
*edit : she is suppose to be animated...