As per usual it has been yonks since my last update.
Been a busy time most noticeable even being new tats but enough of me. This blog is all about zombies

With lots of new zombie based media out and coming out i thought it was apt.
Firstly Zombies in:
A new anime series that got released in July based on an onging manga. It seems to be an anime dedicated to the walking dead and fan service. On a happy note it is based on the western zombie mythos and not the eastern one. Me, Xaosnyte and talamia discovered the silliness that is eastern zombies in an onld school martial arts movie. Not scary at all...
Watch the trailer for High School of the Dead here:
It is beautifully animated and seems quite fun with a lot of little nods to pop culture.
The Walking Dead an awesome comic book series about a a group of survivors living in a zombie apocalypse.
The TV rights for this have been bought by AMC and they are apparently airing the pilot in October. A full on series about zombies could be great if it is done properly so i am holding thumbs.
Although not exclusively about Zombies it is still going to be fucking amazing! Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are teaming up again. This time to make a Dark Shadows movie, For those who have not heard about it Dark Shadows is a cult "gothic soap opera" from the 1930's. known for (for the time) being ridiculously creepy and having some of the most eccentric characters seen on television till Vincent Price started acting.
Last;y and probably the thing i am most excited about, Dead Rising 2 is finally coming out later this month. The amount of hours i spent and number of zombies i killed in the first one was staggering. Dead Rising 2 has pretty much the same type of setting as the original, it is technically a casino but it has a giant mall attached to it where most of the fun items are to be found. The major addition to the game is duct tape. Like MacGyver, Chuck has the ability to make complex devices needing nothing but the simplest of components and a ton of duct tape. For anyone not aware of the series the premise comes down to this. You are trapped and help will only arrive in 72 game hours. Hoe you survive this is up to you, you can save other survivors try to discover who is behind the zombie outbreak or just kill thousands upon thousands of zombies in creative ways. As the catch phrase goes: "Tape it togerther, tear them apart" Check out the launch trailer here.
Byes for now people and remember
There is plenty nudity hahahahahahahahha.