Hearing people you love getting yelled at is a difficult thing. Especially when there's really nothing that you can do about it. You can never force the hands of others.
Refusing to elaborate and switching topics, I think maybe there is a head that I am coming upon with regards to my crush-of-the-moment (see left-hand-panel) as to whether maybe there is mutual desire to think about the possibility of building, in theory.
A very loose proclomation, but I'm keeping things very loose. Long-distance frightens me, because I don't think that it tends to work very well.
Refusing to elaborate and switching topics, I think maybe there is a head that I am coming upon with regards to my crush-of-the-moment (see left-hand-panel) as to whether maybe there is mutual desire to think about the possibility of building, in theory.
A very loose proclomation, but I'm keeping things very loose. Long-distance frightens me, because I don't think that it tends to work very well.
have you read House of Leaves before?
Long-distanceness can suck, but on the other hand it lets you know fairly quickly whether a relationship's meant to last or not. If you can stay together when you're not physically together, it's a good sign that the relationship's meant to be.