So you know the saying, "When it rains, it pours"? Well, I am now a solid believer in the validity of such an idea. So last Tuesday, I was attacked by a dog, then last Thursday I was in a car accident. These things suck, but whatever, I am fine other than wounds that will heal easily. However, I was then awoken this most recent Tuesday by news about an old friend of mine who I had not talked to more than once or twice in the last few years (due to the fact that he did far too many drugs and went a bit psycho/became a complete @$$hat [I only use such ascii characters, because I do not know how strict the moderating guidlines are on journals]). This awakening news made it clear that he had also become incredibly dumb, and was no longer any sort of person that I would ever want to speak to ever again. Because I was awoken Tuesday by finding out that this acquintance had tied up his ex-girlfriend and raped her at gunpoint.
This frightened me. A lot. After all, I had spent a fair amount of time with this person (a while ago, granted), and not known that he was anywhere near that f'ed up. So yeah. My life sucks right now. I hate the world SO much.
And if he doesn't go to jail for a LONG, LONG time, I am going to lose all faith in humanity.
Why the hell can't I just have a nice week? Is that really too much to ask?
Apparently so. I guess I have to work on my karma...
This frightened me. A lot. After all, I had spent a fair amount of time with this person (a while ago, granted), and not known that he was anywhere near that f'ed up. So yeah. My life sucks right now. I hate the world SO much.

Why the hell can't I just have a nice week? Is that really too much to ask?
Apparently so. I guess I have to work on my karma...

Hang in there man, it is a fucked-up world we live in.
Actually the world is what it is, but it is people like you're old acquaintance that are fucking it up.
barring that, go to the shelter and find a kitten to play with. unless you're allergic. then find a puppy. unless you dislike animals. then, uhm, pet a tree. a little tree. they can be awfully cute.
the world is sick, and it makes us so. fight that shit, darlin'.