So today at work was kind of a crappy day... I do door-to-door canvassing for OSPIRG, which is kind of annoying... Today, however, was especially annoying, as I was "lucky" enough to experience one of the crappiest possibilities for such work. I was attacked by a dog today. A rottweiler (spelling?), as a matter of fact. So I now have a nickel-quarter-sized chunk of skin removed from my hip... And it is bruised, and swollen, and bloddy. And it sucks.
Other than that, my day was cool, though... I suppose.
Last week was quite nice though, as I happened upon an ID, so I am now able to enjoy the more alcoholic joys of life.
So yes, I suppose over all, life is good as of now. I am just looking forward to a few weeks from now, when I will be off to Burning Man, and then starting school. I honestly don't know which I am looking forward to more, actually. It's strange, but I am very much excited about the prospect of being in classes once again, despite the fact that I will have no life outside of scholastic endeavors.
That is all for now. I wonder if anyone will read this... Probably not. Oh well.
Other than that, my day was cool, though... I suppose.
Last week was quite nice though, as I happened upon an ID, so I am now able to enjoy the more alcoholic joys of life.

So yes, I suppose over all, life is good as of now. I am just looking forward to a few weeks from now, when I will be off to Burning Man, and then starting school. I honestly don't know which I am looking forward to more, actually. It's strange, but I am very much excited about the prospect of being in classes once again, despite the fact that I will have no life outside of scholastic endeavors.
That is all for now. I wonder if anyone will read this... Probably not. Oh well.
p.s. i just read snow crash for the first time. WOW.