I bought the GameCube and have been playing Animal Crossing and Midway Arcade Treasures 2: MK2, MK3, Primal Rage, Pit Fighter, NARC, Rampage, etc. for 2 days straight. I forgot all about the internet.
Is it pathetic to still remember the "Fatality" codes?
I have an irrational fear of going to the dry cleaners. Countless times I've gathered several shirts & pants because I know they need to be cleaned... but instead they sit out for weeks, and then I figure they're aired out enough to be clean again. So I put them back in my closet. But THIS time, I got makeup on a $200 black suit, and I'm afraid I have no other recourse but to get the damn thing to the cleaners. Damn it to hell.
Is it pathetic to still remember the "Fatality" codes?

I have an irrational fear of going to the dry cleaners. Countless times I've gathered several shirts & pants because I know they need to be cleaned... but instead they sit out for weeks, and then I figure they're aired out enough to be clean again. So I put them back in my closet. But THIS time, I got makeup on a $200 black suit, and I'm afraid I have no other recourse but to get the damn thing to the cleaners. Damn it to hell.
Would you like to be happy and decide to make some art. This is no joke! I have lots of artistic ispiratio, and I am always looking to shoot a new model. take a look at some of my stuff on my page and let me know what you think. Before you decide yes or no, you can meet me anywhere you like, anytime you like. Fear not, everything I do is in VERY good taste. I'm not looking to shoot porn, I like tasteful artistic nudes. I can even set it up so you will be shooting with another female at the same tiime.(not lesbian. You would never be touched by me or anyone else!!!) Please concider...
PS: If nothing else, you will spend a day with a cool guy, in cool places, eating great food at no expense to you...