My skating practices have been going well... even though I'm the worst person on the team.
The coach is awesome, and everyone is trying to be very helpful. Still, it's hard being really slow and awkward while watching girls leap over cones and glide around on one leg.
Hopefully tonite I won't fall flat on my tailbone again. I almost cried when I did that!
Other than that, I start a new job on March 6. I'll be a corporate trainer for a company in Berwyn. It'll be more money, no city tax, better benefits, and a nice, maintained building. Best of all, I'm looking forward to not working in the ghetto for once! Hooray for me!

The coach is awesome, and everyone is trying to be very helpful. Still, it's hard being really slow and awkward while watching girls leap over cones and glide around on one leg.

Other than that, I start a new job on March 6. I'll be a corporate trainer for a company in Berwyn. It'll be more money, no city tax, better benefits, and a nice, maintained building. Best of all, I'm looking forward to not working in the ghetto for once! Hooray for me!

the process started at the beginning of December when a headhunter called me to track me down (we had spoken a number of years before when I was working at a law firm in the Twin Cities - I said that I might be interested in an in-house position back in the Mid-Atlantic area - where I grew up). The Company responded the day that my resume was sent and my first interview was in the first 2 weeks - the second one was at the end of Jan (after the holidays and then a corporated board of directors meeting where the General Counsel was responsible for a lot of things). Now almost another month - they just checked my references - and I am waiting for a decision - one way or another - it looks positive but ...
I hate waiting ...
have a good day m'lady