Holy fucko, I sure am lazy! AND I need a new pic. I spend slightly more time on myspace, so check there for more pics!
What's new? I've had the last 2 months off from roller derby, so I feel lethargic & out of shape. I got a new tattoo that one day I promise to take a picture of. I'm going to see Evil...
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What's new? I've had the last 2 months off from roller derby, so I feel lethargic & out of shape. I got a new tattoo that one day I promise to take a picture of. I'm going to see Evil...
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Holy adventures Batman! Congrats on many levels, and evil dead the musical fuck yeah!...

Hey, what Roller Derby team are you on? I went to see some friends of mine in a match last year and I think you mighta been battling. Just thought that'd be a strange coincidence... sorta, I guess. Anyway, my friends saw that Evil Dead and were very jealous of the people in the splatter section. I think with the 3rd row you're probably in the zone, so be forewarned.
Have things cleared up? Yes & no. In the stretch of time out of a relationship, I had a couple super-sweet infatuations, complete with text messages, goofy grins, & LOTS of laughter.
And now that the infatuations are over, a couple of really good friends.
But as it turns out, I'm not ready to walk away from that long relationship. People have been telling me...
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But as it turns out, I'm not ready to walk away from that long relationship. People have been telling me...
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I want to make a joke before i get more serious. Ask for update and wham its there....
Relationships are never easy. Trying again is a statemnet to how strong the realitionship really is. Failures. sucess, joy....they are all daily emotoions that guide us. In the end we are all only human and we take the path that we feel will be the best...no matter what others think.
There goes my philosophical side for a monday.

Relationships are never easy. Trying again is a statemnet to how strong the realitionship really is. Failures. sucess, joy....they are all daily emotoions that guide us. In the end we are all only human and we take the path that we feel will be the best...no matter what others think.
There goes my philosophical side for a monday.
So... no HTML in these damn things? Oh well, I guess go 2 my
myspace page for up-2-date general info. But at the same time, there are things I can post here that I cannot post there.
I feel pretty lost rite now. I don't know where I should be or what I should be doing. I have a job that I quite like, but...
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myspace page for up-2-date general info. But at the same time, there are things I can post here that I cannot post there.
I feel pretty lost rite now. I don't know where I should be or what I should be doing. I have a job that I quite like, but...
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God, I don't have much to say other than: Yarr, R'lyeh!!
Sorry. Quite the conundrum you have for yourself there though.
Sorry. Quite the conundrum you have for yourself there though.
Have things cleared up since you origianlly posted last month?
I am utterly terrible about keeping up with this site. For one thing, it takes a while to load for me, and I really don't like it. Sure, it looks cool.... but I have the attention span of a gnat.
Roller Derby is keeping me very busy... I've been going to the gym as much as possible to improve physically.... I REALLY want to play...
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Roller Derby is keeping me very busy... I've been going to the gym as much as possible to improve physically.... I REALLY want to play...
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Are you going on Sunday?

Cat and I will hopefully be at Michael's, but it all depends on whether I get a babysitter for the puppy....See you there!!
There's a comicon next weekend in Philly, and I really wanna go, but not so much that I want to walk around by myself! One of my derby teammates may come with, and I hope she does. A BUNCH of people I know are going Friday, but I can't take off work. A couple hardcore people are going all weekend, but they'll be playing games,...
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yo philly!!!
DUDE. I didn't know you were on here.
So I spent Friday & most of today at Monster Mania "promoting" my roller derby league. We weren't really dressed up except for having on our league tank tops & our roller skates, but we still a big hit. Of course I didn't sell a single ticket, but I sold plenty of t-shirts and took pictures with a lot of creepy old men. I still...
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It was most certainly was a Lebowski reference...
You would pose for a photo with the dude right? An aging hippy, who uses a bathrobe as outerwear, and pays for milk by check.
That's style... It's so bad, that it's so far passed cool, that it comes back around to be cool again.
You would pose for a photo with the dude right? An aging hippy, who uses a bathrobe as outerwear, and pays for milk by check.
That's style... It's so bad, that it's so far passed cool, that it comes back around to be cool again.

Just think, now you are a pin-up model for your fans from the convention. Your famous now.
WOW i had no idea it's been so long since I visited!! Lots of things have changed. I got a new job, so I'm out of the ghetto and into the corporate comfort of potted plants and cubicles. The grass is always greener, rite?
The roller-derby is going well!! My skater name is Jenna Sidal, #138.
Our next game ("bout") is May 21 at the...
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The roller-derby is going well!! My skater name is Jenna Sidal, #138.

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You're back! How are you doing? I'll try to visit your booth as monster mania. In may right?
san francisco kicks ass, huh
So we attempted to go shopping for some dining room chairs today.... furniture shopping SUCKS!! You can't understand it until you try to do it.
Most of the stuff is ugly as sin and/or crappily made... and they STILL want over $100 a chair! Worse, the second you walk in a salesperson tries to follow you around and talk to you. Maybe we're just antisocial...
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Most of the stuff is ugly as sin and/or crappily made... and they STILL want over $100 a chair! Worse, the second you walk in a salesperson tries to follow you around and talk to you. Maybe we're just antisocial...
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I was being sarcastic.....dont be offended.
Lancaster is better for antiques and custom made items by the local amish/menonite furniture makers. Not sure what is a "reasonable" budget for what your looking for but i had a entertainment center cabinet built out there and it was under a $800. I had to transport it. Can give you there number if your interested.
Lancaster is better for antiques and custom made items by the local amish/menonite furniture makers. Not sure what is a "reasonable" budget for what your looking for but i had a entertainment center cabinet built out there and it was under a $800. I had to transport it. Can give you there number if your interested.
No furnitchure...big pillows yeah
Hey I updated the pics o' the house I re-did. Check it out in thw Wendy's House folder
[Edited on Mar 02, 2006 6:48AM]
[Edited on Mar 02, 2006 7:20AM]

Hey I updated the pics o' the house I re-did. Check it out in thw Wendy's House folder
[Edited on Mar 02, 2006 6:48AM]

[Edited on Mar 02, 2006 7:20AM]
I jumped over the cones!!!

i am talking about buying stocks in the latter part of my post. i am a pseudo invetsment person and i decided to post some of my stock reccomendations. YHOO is the ticker symbol for yahoo.
is my writing difficult to understand or was the subject just plain dumb? really i need to know.
is my writing difficult to understand or was the subject just plain dumb? really i need to know.
My skating practices have been going well... even though I'm the worst person on the team.
The coach is awesome, and everyone is trying to be very helpful. Still, it's hard being really slow and awkward while watching girls leap over cones and glide around on one leg.
Hopefully tonite I won't fall flat on my tailbone again. I almost cried when I did that!...
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The coach is awesome, and everyone is trying to be very helpful. Still, it's hard being really slow and awkward while watching girls leap over cones and glide around on one leg.

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oh, btw, I'm going to be working outside of Philly next week i think. Where should I go??
No word on the job yet - thanks for asking ...
the process started at the beginning of December when a headhunter called me to track me down (we had spoken a number of years before when I was working at a law firm in the Twin Cities - I said that I might be interested in an in-house position back in the Mid-Atlantic area - where I grew up). The Company responded the day that my resume was sent and my first interview was in the first 2 weeks - the second one was at the end of Jan (after the holidays and then a corporated board of directors meeting where the General Counsel was responsible for a lot of things). Now almost another month - they just checked my references - and I am waiting for a decision - one way or another - it looks positive but ...
I hate waiting ...
have a good day m'lady
the process started at the beginning of December when a headhunter called me to track me down (we had spoken a number of years before when I was working at a law firm in the Twin Cities - I said that I might be interested in an in-house position back in the Mid-Atlantic area - where I grew up). The Company responded the day that my resume was sent and my first interview was in the first 2 weeks - the second one was at the end of Jan (after the holidays and then a corporated board of directors meeting where the General Counsel was responsible for a lot of things). Now almost another month - they just checked my references - and I am waiting for a decision - one way or another - it looks positive but ...
I hate waiting ...
have a good day m'lady