State college plays some crazy ass beer pong rules. There, I said it.
Oh how much fun I have when people come back from college. I had a good weekend, I was bored and saw that Jonny had come back from school and gave him a call offering to play some Gears and laugh at how we can't finish Through the Fire and the Flames... Read More
If they fuck this one up, they can expect an angry letter.
I've got roots in that shit man.
That last sentence in that article disturbs me. Two young pilots? Roy wasn't young. Rick was young, Max was young, Ben.. young but big? I don't even know. But it was the hands of more than just two young pilots, goddamn it. Two young... Read More
I can't sleep. That seems to be something I'm saying pretty frequently recently. I would chalk it up to stress, I guess. I can't really complain though, there are people in the world dealing with a lot more stress than I am right now. Let's just call it more stress than I'm used to, a stress of a higher caliber, if you will. The search... Read More