State college plays some crazy ass beer pong rules. There, I said it.
Oh how much fun I have when people come back from college. I had a good weekend, I was bored and saw that Jonny had come back from school and gave him a call offering to play some Gears and laugh at how we can't finish Through the Fire and the Flames on anything over Easy.
Well, Jonny had a blood test for some reason or another that morning, so I told him to just come to my house when he was done with it and we'd chill for a bit. I'm a rockstar AND a genius, so I didn't go to bed until 11 that morning. By around 1 Jonny had arrived and managed to wake me up, all I was capable of at that point was grunts and pizza. By 2 I was wearing a shirt. Yay me!
Then we played Guitar Hero, much insanity followed. Let's just say, some of the fingers on my left hand STILL hurt and sometimes they make a clicking sound when I move them, I'm going to assume that's a good thing. Anyway, Jonny sucks at Gears, a lot. Like, it hurts to watch him play sometimes. He used to be good, I don't know what happened.
Well, Antonio was meant to accompany Jonny to my lair, but he hadn't been answering his phone all morning. Fearing for his death, we checked the next most likely place to find our little buddy. Yup, he was playing Warcraft, AGAIN. Oh well.
My memory from here for the rest of the night is hazy, so, yeah.
I believe at this point we decided to go and try to wrest Antonio from the call of Warcraft. So, we get to his house and as per usual, no one answers our knocking and ringing. Apparantly their doorbell doesn't even work. Annoyed at this development, I get the bright idea to go around to the side of the house and get Atonio's attention through his window. Halfway there, I see him sitting at a table in their kitchen, why walk further when he's right here, so I knock on the window. BEST. IDEA. EVER. The blinds were closed, so I guess he couldn't see me, but I could see him. He and his mother disappear, a light goes on in another room, his dad and their dogs burst out onto their porch to see Jonny and I in the snow waving. We like to think that we almost got shot that night. I don't care if there was nothing almost about it, his dad's a hitman, so we almost got shot.
After this I cleaned the snow off of Jonny's car with a pumpkin. Why? I have no clue. I just did. So we have to wait for Antonio to eat dinner before we can leave, this is the only time I've ever seen this guy eat willingly, he usually just picks at things for about five minutes and he's done, but for once in his life he actually wanted to eat, and we just wouldn't let him. It was pretty funny watching him get up to do something, sit down, then get up again to do something else. I laughed pretty hard. Also no one but me could be cool eating nothing but rice, bread and yams. Go go gadget vegetables!
We steal Antonio from the comfort and security of his own home and plunge him into a world he has never known. The world of drinking. We take him back to Jonny's house and tell him that we're teaching he and Thor to play beer pong that night. We wanted to see Beowulf, but Thor's a woman, and she got distracted at a Borders so we couldn't make it. Well, after much tomfoolery beer pong was taught to the masses. Antonio... not too great. Thor, suprisingly good. I attribute this to the fact that she's the God O' Thundah. I also think it's funny that she even played, I mean, she IS first in her class. Nerds aren't supposed to have fun.
Well, we got rid of her once she wasn't useful anymore, which was after she yelled at us for killing her repeatedly in Halo. After that I played me some Indigo Prophecy, Jonny fell asleep on the floor, and Antonio and I stayed up until about 5.
Now for Beowulf.
Never in my life have I seen anything more metal than this movie. I mean, I've read The Golden Compass, and it contains segements involving talking polar bears with thumbs wearing armor and fighting each other. Let me clarify that. TALKING BEARS. ARMOR. THUMBS. That's pretty metal and this movie makes it look like a bad rerun of Different Strokes. Very not metal. I mean, I'm pretty sure that they could have replaced the entire soundtrack for the film with Manowar, and it would have been equally, if not MORE appropriate. The Scandinavians do NOT fuck around.
On another note, Arby's is good. I like cheesecake, and they made it bitesized. As an American, few things appeal to me more than things that I like to eat made bitesize. I mean, that is why we like midgets right?
The night just kind of tapered off after that. Six inches of snow, bad bond movie, CSI and the fact that I fucking DESTROYED a quiz on liquor Jon gave me while I was watching family guy.
There's also a dragon in his basement. I shit you not. I'll take a picture of it on Friday.
In closing, State College plays some fucked up rules. Who's ever heard of a rollback?
Oh how much fun I have when people come back from college. I had a good weekend, I was bored and saw that Jonny had come back from school and gave him a call offering to play some Gears and laugh at how we can't finish Through the Fire and the Flames on anything over Easy.
Well, Jonny had a blood test for some reason or another that morning, so I told him to just come to my house when he was done with it and we'd chill for a bit. I'm a rockstar AND a genius, so I didn't go to bed until 11 that morning. By around 1 Jonny had arrived and managed to wake me up, all I was capable of at that point was grunts and pizza. By 2 I was wearing a shirt. Yay me!
Then we played Guitar Hero, much insanity followed. Let's just say, some of the fingers on my left hand STILL hurt and sometimes they make a clicking sound when I move them, I'm going to assume that's a good thing. Anyway, Jonny sucks at Gears, a lot. Like, it hurts to watch him play sometimes. He used to be good, I don't know what happened.
Well, Antonio was meant to accompany Jonny to my lair, but he hadn't been answering his phone all morning. Fearing for his death, we checked the next most likely place to find our little buddy. Yup, he was playing Warcraft, AGAIN. Oh well.
My memory from here for the rest of the night is hazy, so, yeah.
I believe at this point we decided to go and try to wrest Antonio from the call of Warcraft. So, we get to his house and as per usual, no one answers our knocking and ringing. Apparantly their doorbell doesn't even work. Annoyed at this development, I get the bright idea to go around to the side of the house and get Atonio's attention through his window. Halfway there, I see him sitting at a table in their kitchen, why walk further when he's right here, so I knock on the window. BEST. IDEA. EVER. The blinds were closed, so I guess he couldn't see me, but I could see him. He and his mother disappear, a light goes on in another room, his dad and their dogs burst out onto their porch to see Jonny and I in the snow waving. We like to think that we almost got shot that night. I don't care if there was nothing almost about it, his dad's a hitman, so we almost got shot.
After this I cleaned the snow off of Jonny's car with a pumpkin. Why? I have no clue. I just did. So we have to wait for Antonio to eat dinner before we can leave, this is the only time I've ever seen this guy eat willingly, he usually just picks at things for about five minutes and he's done, but for once in his life he actually wanted to eat, and we just wouldn't let him. It was pretty funny watching him get up to do something, sit down, then get up again to do something else. I laughed pretty hard. Also no one but me could be cool eating nothing but rice, bread and yams. Go go gadget vegetables!
We steal Antonio from the comfort and security of his own home and plunge him into a world he has never known. The world of drinking. We take him back to Jonny's house and tell him that we're teaching he and Thor to play beer pong that night. We wanted to see Beowulf, but Thor's a woman, and she got distracted at a Borders so we couldn't make it. Well, after much tomfoolery beer pong was taught to the masses. Antonio... not too great. Thor, suprisingly good. I attribute this to the fact that she's the God O' Thundah. I also think it's funny that she even played, I mean, she IS first in her class. Nerds aren't supposed to have fun.
Well, we got rid of her once she wasn't useful anymore, which was after she yelled at us for killing her repeatedly in Halo. After that I played me some Indigo Prophecy, Jonny fell asleep on the floor, and Antonio and I stayed up until about 5.
Now for Beowulf.
Never in my life have I seen anything more metal than this movie. I mean, I've read The Golden Compass, and it contains segements involving talking polar bears with thumbs wearing armor and fighting each other. Let me clarify that. TALKING BEARS. ARMOR. THUMBS. That's pretty metal and this movie makes it look like a bad rerun of Different Strokes. Very not metal. I mean, I'm pretty sure that they could have replaced the entire soundtrack for the film with Manowar, and it would have been equally, if not MORE appropriate. The Scandinavians do NOT fuck around.
On another note, Arby's is good. I like cheesecake, and they made it bitesized. As an American, few things appeal to me more than things that I like to eat made bitesize. I mean, that is why we like midgets right?
The night just kind of tapered off after that. Six inches of snow, bad bond movie, CSI and the fact that I fucking DESTROYED a quiz on liquor Jon gave me while I was watching family guy.
There's also a dragon in his basement. I shit you not. I'll take a picture of it on Friday.
In closing, State College plays some fucked up rules. Who's ever heard of a rollback?