I started reading House of Leaves a few days ago.

I'm not usually one to be scared by books or movies all that easily. I actually go out of my way to find movies that might actually scare me; I still haven't found one. Given this, it is with no small consideration that I say this: This book is shit your pants terrifying. Not so...
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I'm in the process of watching 2012 on netflix. It is, insofar, probably one of the worst films I've ever had the esteemed privilege of watching.
I watched it last week and couldn't stop laughing or rolling my eyes.

My hubby and I had our honeymoon in Mexico, and are planning a 5 year anniversary hurrah there again in October 2012. If you can convince your brother to take his woman and come too, we'll pour extra tequila in your drinks! biggrin

Also, convince your bro to let you visit the Springs before he bounces out so we can all meet you!

(P.S. I'm not creepy... Your brother was totally invited to our wedding and like comes to my house to play D&D and stuff)
Tequila never ends well, but I'm completely okay with going to Mexico. I always say, and nobody ever agrees with me, that Tijuana is the most romantic city in the Western Hemisphere. I'll have to see what my schedule is like in 2012, I can't even say what it's like next week at this point, haha.
I'm not sure who keeps reactivating my SG account, but I'm not going to ask questions if they want to keep doing it. I'm at a loss for interesting things to say right now.
So, today at work I royally fucked up my toe by being a klutz and deciding that I wanted to walk up some stairs. After a lot of limping they asked me to go home not a half hour after I got there. I'm not exactly sure what I've done to it yet, but all signs point to a bad sprain. Hopefully, this will be...
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I'm really good at keeping up with things my brother tells me to do, really, I am.

It's not really my fault that people intimidate me for no reason at all sometimes.
Mike Mignola looks like a kid I used to go to school with.

Alan Moore looks like he'd cut me, cut me good, and not think twice about it.

Also, Afro Samurai is fucking GOOD.

Sammy J should do more voice acting.

I'm tired, I cut my one fingernail too short and it hurts, and it's cold.

Oh, I Am Legend sucked. A lot.

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Are you EVER going to get active on this site, knucklebutt?
Well, to quote the Smiths, this night has opened my eyes.

Experiencing random destruction and robbery first hand in your home town is a sobering event.

There's a fine line between a guitar solo and self appreciating guitar-masturbation.

Bands that have the word Ham in their name will be infinitely better than any other band you see that night, however they will be no better...
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oh no! what happen man?

We are over run with scene kids aren't we?
what are you doing on the 22nd? You should come to the Penn Monster Factory.. there won't be many scene kids there..

I like saving Shadow's ass. It gives me a very buddy cop feel, it's like we're a Lethal Weapon movie that I can stand watching.

So I wake up feeling better but lacking a little, so I resign myself to a little Shadow time and some toast. My dog is nowhere to be found in the house, but the gate on the deck is open....
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Our dog rules.

You should post pictures of him. I don't have any on the Mac. To be rectified when I come home.
Sometimes I really need liquor and loud music.

Sometimes I think I'm an asshole.

Sometimes I hate women.

Let's just leave it at that.
Sometimes I forget why Thursday's one of my favorite bands. Then I listen to Standing on the Edge of Summer and I remember that it's because they fucking rule.

I really like the beginning of Cross Out The Eyes the most, though...