I really need to update!
So, my camera batteries are being a pain in the ass again, so I haven't been able to do updated pics really... And my look is ever-changing... I have grown a sudden fondness for bright colors, and goofy hair, and less serious poses...
I officially have 2 weeks left of work, well, 13 days now, not including today... We will be moving to Colorado by the 20th... it's really starting to sink into my mind now... I thought about it more today than any other day so far.... It hit me when a coworker and good friend of mine came up to me and gave me a hug and told me they are really going to miss me around there... I've been there the past 3 years already...
My son hasn't tried anymore escape plans as of lately... luckily...
Most of our belongings are in boxes now...
I'm going to be dying my hair bright red ASAP, Either bright red or pink I think... Bright red is what I am going for right now though
I was so excited about our move today that at work, when I got to work, and was talking to one of my friends my hands literally would not stop shaking... and by the end of the night I felt like I was going to puke from the adrenaline rush!
hmm, what else to talk about?? I have gone a straight week at work now with no days off again... I keep getting asked to come in, double shifts and all... alot of the workers are leaving the place now... including myself in 2 weeks
My neighbor had a 9lb, 1oz, baby girl about 2 days ago, they named her Elizabeth
Haven't seen her yet, but I am sure she is beautiful
I want to try to visit her tomorrow
Well, thats all I can think of for the moment, must hop in the shower, eat a little something, and go to bed only to get up at 6AM again tomorrow to be at work by 9AM...
This is one of my avatar pics on IMVU Messenger... I created the avatar myself... Told you I'm getting fond of bright colors

I officially have 2 weeks left of work, well, 13 days now, not including today... We will be moving to Colorado by the 20th... it's really starting to sink into my mind now... I thought about it more today than any other day so far.... It hit me when a coworker and good friend of mine came up to me and gave me a hug and told me they are really going to miss me around there... I've been there the past 3 years already...
My son hasn't tried anymore escape plans as of lately... luckily...
Most of our belongings are in boxes now...
I'm going to be dying my hair bright red ASAP, Either bright red or pink I think... Bright red is what I am going for right now though

I was so excited about our move today that at work, when I got to work, and was talking to one of my friends my hands literally would not stop shaking... and by the end of the night I felt like I was going to puke from the adrenaline rush!

hmm, what else to talk about?? I have gone a straight week at work now with no days off again... I keep getting asked to come in, double shifts and all... alot of the workers are leaving the place now... including myself in 2 weeks

My neighbor had a 9lb, 1oz, baby girl about 2 days ago, they named her Elizabeth

Well, thats all I can think of for the moment, must hop in the shower, eat a little something, and go to bed only to get up at 6AM again tomorrow to be at work by 9AM...

This is one of my avatar pics on IMVU Messenger... I created the avatar myself... Told you I'm getting fond of bright colors

lordy loo. i haven't looked at any new sets, in well over a month, i think. ahhh!