Well, today was almost entirely frustrating, my son got outside by himself today ( he's 3 years old)... he didn't want me to go to work this morning, I guess this was his way of telling me this... What happened was... I had left to go to work, I went to my mom's house first... not realizing that my son had even gotten out, because both doors WERE shut when I had left... well,. somehow he got outside and wandered up to the neighbors house, 3 houses up the street... which happened to be the home of the under-sheriff here... well, his wife had brought my son home... and my husband was trying to figure out what had happened (he had fallen back asleep between the time I had left to go to work, and the time that she showed up, so that looked kinda bad, but hey, shit happens right? SO. My husband calls me at my mom's house and has me come home because through all this it put him into an anxiety attack (he's bi-polar, manic depressive, agoraphobic...) ... so, I called my boss to let him know that I had some family issues to take care of and would either be late or maybe not make it in at all... he was very understanding when I explained the situation... so I called the cop station and we both talked to the cop to make sure there was no complaints made or anything, luckily there wasn't... so that part was a relief, so I finally went to work, about an hour late... I get to work and everyone was asking me why I had been late (I'm not known for being late for anything usually, and if I am there is always very good reason...) So I think I explained it to just about everyone by the end of my day... and eventually the last person I explained it to who is a really good friend/co-worker... I ended up completely breaking down in his arms, so I can only imagine what the boss thought of that... I really don't care...I'm just glad this friend was so caring and understanding... He actually talked me through what was, the beginning of a nervous breakdown... needless to say... by the time I got home the apartment was actually very clean, my hubby spent the day completely away from the computer until tonight after our son fell asleep, and he cleaned almost the entire house!
So I guess good things happen when you finally realize how bad a situation can get...
I did get a chance to talk to the neighbor that brought him home, and let her know that he does tend to escape sometimes, so she told me if he does it again she'll bring him back again. She was just scared about it the first two times it happened, not knowing how he is... For all those who read this thank you for listening, I had to get all that out... Comment if you would like, I don't mind...

Kids.... my oldest nephew is 3 and he pushes the torture button like that all the time, my younger nephew is 1, and I know hes gonna take after big brother. best of luck with him hun