I'm finally back... 42 more work days to go, thats with counting my days off...
Cannot wait!
I got the other side of my lip pierced Tuesday night
Much happiness there!
I should be getting my second tat soon!
Can't wait!
Today was so wierd,... I collapsed at my mom's house today, for like 2 hours I slept before going back to work again for the second shift... I'm starting to think I am working a bit too much, and staying up a little more than I should...
I've been playing online games more and more...
I am so drained of energy ...

I got the other side of my lip pierced Tuesday night

Today was so wierd,... I collapsed at my mom's house today, for like 2 hours I slept before going back to work again for the second shift... I'm starting to think I am working a bit too much, and staying up a little more than I should...
I've been playing online games more and more...
I am so drained of energy ...

how's everything else going for you guys?
sounds like you've been pushing yourself pretty hard. time to slow down a little bit, just before things get so crazy.
anyway, gotta motor!! good to hear from you!