Well, we got rid of all of our fish yesterday... Kinda lonely around here without them, but I will get used to it.
I would like to start doing what they said in the movie "The First $20 Million"... Simplify, Clarify, economize...
We have been using plastic dishes lately... I gave all our other ones to my mom. All except the ceramic coffee cup tree thing... I think I might hold on to that.
Soon as I get some more pictures done again, I will post them. Been rather busy with work, and the moving process and stuff.
I did not start out having the right kind of day this morning... First I wake up to our neighbor kid screaming, crying and whining (these walls are pretty thin, and our bedroom is like right across from their kitchen... then, my son wakes up from that, and he starts whining and crying because he wants PIZZA for breakfast... we don't even have any pizza left right now... I gotta go get more... so he threw a fit to the point we had to put him in "Time Out" to calm him down. Then I gave him Mandarin Oranges and Fried Tofu for breakfast
(He loves Mandarin Oranges
Anyway... Then he started whining until I picked him up and rocked him in the rocking chair, and he fell asleep again (Thank Gods!) ... So hopefully he will wake up in a better mood.
On that note, while I can I am going to do the few dishes that are in the sink!
I would like to start doing what they said in the movie "The First $20 Million"... Simplify, Clarify, economize...
We have been using plastic dishes lately... I gave all our other ones to my mom. All except the ceramic coffee cup tree thing... I think I might hold on to that.
Soon as I get some more pictures done again, I will post them. Been rather busy with work, and the moving process and stuff.

I did not start out having the right kind of day this morning... First I wake up to our neighbor kid screaming, crying and whining (these walls are pretty thin, and our bedroom is like right across from their kitchen... then, my son wakes up from that, and he starts whining and crying because he wants PIZZA for breakfast... we don't even have any pizza left right now... I gotta go get more... so he threw a fit to the point we had to put him in "Time Out" to calm him down. Then I gave him Mandarin Oranges and Fried Tofu for breakfast

Anyway... Then he started whining until I picked him up and rocked him in the rocking chair, and he fell asleep again (Thank Gods!) ... So hopefully he will wake up in a better mood.
On that note, while I can I am going to do the few dishes that are in the sink!

I know this is long overdue, but I wanted to stop by and say thank you for commenting on my "Revolution" set!

I can't remember the last time I had a day start off the right way.