Its Dec 5th .... Im sitting online in my hotel room .. We are in Kentucky right now its cold its rainy and theres no reason to even try to find something to walk too.
I cant wait five days six shows and im home .. Tomorrow day off plus pay day .. Friday two shows then over night on the bus .. Sat two shows then bus .. Sunday two shows 14ish hour bus ride to nashville . then flying home ..
Im only going to be home a few days but .those few days are always amazing because im with todd
Im bored .. if anyone actually reads this for once dropp me something

I cant wait five days six shows and im home .. Tomorrow day off plus pay day .. Friday two shows then over night on the bus .. Sat two shows then bus .. Sunday two shows 14ish hour bus ride to nashville . then flying home ..
Im only going to be home a few days but .those few days are always amazing because im with todd
Im bored .. if anyone actually reads this for once dropp me something

not a picture of crayons though
or so i hear.