So Im in thousand oaks until sunday .. Not too much to do but at least the hotel we are at has laundry . a room frig and microwave and free breakfast ..
I hate the bus and I dont look forward to any of those evenings too come
So it goes like this Thousand Oaks Cali -- till Oc 1st
Then we go to Phoenix AZ till the 3rd -
Then Vegas till the 9th ( but im flyin home for a few days )
fly to chicago -- Rosemont till the 14th -- then to hershey and then I have no clue
I dont make a good domestic bus rider .. and alot of people creep me out
I hate the bus and I dont look forward to any of those evenings too come
So it goes like this Thousand Oaks Cali -- till Oc 1st
Then we go to Phoenix AZ till the 3rd -
Then Vegas till the 9th ( but im flyin home for a few days )
fly to chicago -- Rosemont till the 14th -- then to hershey and then I have no clue
I dont make a good domestic bus rider .. and alot of people creep me out
good luck w/ finding sleeping bags. i'm sure they have an outdoorsman store or some crap like that out there.