looked on craigslist and there was a listing for a bike messenger job in boston!!! so i am going to apply and hopefully i will get the job, because its probably the best job that actually pays you....
and, i am getting a show together, hopefully for the summer, that will hopefully be somewhere in boston or cambridge!! so i am excited about that. and i have a plan for the promo and that is this:::: I have been looking for a way to get people to use re-usable bags when grocery shopping, but you cant get everyone to buy a canvas bag so i am going to buy like 20 yards of cheap canvas (hopefully for no more than 3$ a yard and have a bunch of friends cut and sew-up about 100 or so bags...then i am going to make a stencil that says something about the show and has a cool graphic and spray paint it on the bag. THen i am going to pass them out and leave them in trees and bushes around boston.... then people better come to the show and they better not waste more plastic bags when shopping for Food and such. my longest entry ever. but if anyone like to sew....and want to help please tell