Great picture!
Love the "animals" photos in your pics. Looks like you have a great group.
Thor is so cute, how old is he now?
Atlas is cool (I think I suffer from a pro-pitbull bias). I'm glad to see that love and a good home have kept her in the thick of things. Do you mind if I ask what happened to her leg?
Love the "animals" photos in your pics. Looks like you have a great group.
Thor is so cute, how old is he now?
Atlas is cool (I think I suffer from a pro-pitbull bias). I'm glad to see that love and a good home have kept her in the thick of things. Do you mind if I ask what happened to her leg?
OMG the pictures of Atlas sleeping are the best!!!

That really is adorable! I can't ever get my kids to stay still long enough for pictures. They seem the have a sixth sense for detecting cameras while they're asleep. I don't have anything to do tomorrow so I'll get Atlas's collar done.

I need some advise on flea control when you have time. I have all the dogs on Advantage and spray inside with Natural Chemistry De Flea. We've used several sprays for the yard, one formula from Petco, another from the hardware store, and next one from the feed store. We have 5 Great Danes, 2 mutts, 10 chickens, and 30 stray cats that share our chain link fence. To top it off, our winter didn't get cold enough to freeze last years fleas. My dogs are covered in them and we're all miserable. If you have any advice I'd LOVE to hear it!!!

Puppies!!! Yay!!!
Thanks so much for your kind words regarding my kitty, Sasha. He actually used to play fetch sometimes. We had a set of Mardi Gras beads that he loved to play with and when we were in bed playing with him, we'd throw the beads across the room and Sasha would jump off the bed, grab the beads, and bring them back to play some more.
Thanks so much for your kind words regarding my kitty, Sasha. He actually used to play fetch sometimes. We had a set of Mardi Gras beads that he loved to play with and when we were in bed playing with him, we'd throw the beads across the room and Sasha would jump off the bed, grab the beads, and bring them back to play some more.
Great frisbee shots! We've tried to get our bulldog to play but he lets it hit him in the head. I have that Rebel that you just bought and I love it! You're going to have a great time with it, they're so easy to use. I went to the craft store finally and they didn't have anything bigger that 1" that would work together to make a collar. So if an inch wide is too small for Atlas let me know and I just won't make it. Hope you a have a great weekend!

My Canon A75 has been broken. I took it in to the shop today and they said about $150 to fix it. I'm not going to spend $150 to fix a 3.2 MP cam, when a new 5 MP starts at a little more than that.
I upgraded. A LOT. I've been wanting to move up to a digital slr for some time now, and...
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I upgraded. A LOT. I've been wanting to move up to a digital slr for some time now, and...
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I just paid off $12k worth of combined debt!!
I'm going car shopping next week!
I'm going car shopping next week!
Yeah, someone needs to invent parent obedience classes! No hurry on the candles, I haven't made it by the craft store yet anyway.
Hi! I have an attitude problem!
At least, that's what a boss told me today... well not so much of a boss, as the wife of the owner, and she is oft medicated or unmedicated and horribly manic. Ok whatever, she's just pissed that I won't kiss her ass like all the other little lemmings. THEY play nicey to her face and talk behind her...
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At least, that's what a boss told me today... well not so much of a boss, as the wife of the owner, and she is oft medicated or unmedicated and horribly manic. Ok whatever, she's just pissed that I won't kiss her ass like all the other little lemmings. THEY play nicey to her face and talk behind her...
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and AWWW!!! Atlas is adorable. He looks like my pup Carson. Except Atlas has the cool white bit on his muzzle. So very cute.
Gees, I guess that's why they call it work and not get paid to have fun time! My mom is my boss and she's totally insane. I wish she were on drugs, it might help. I'm sure her other sub-contractors don't have to hear hour long rants about her online dating. I guess there's a downside to every job. I wish karma worked a little faster! Anyway, I guess just make me an assorment of small candles. I still have to get to the craft store for Atlas's collar supplies but I'll let you know as soon as I get it done. What colors did you want in your glass? We still have all of the colors used in the ones in my pics.
Craptastic, I'm tired. I just spent the evening helping to chaperone a 10 year old girl's first slumber party birthday event. Apparently I picked awesome presents... a bunch of glittery makeups and lip balms, a lisa frank magnet set, cute doggy address book, puffy topped pencils, a cool pen with a spinning light show on top of it, a bunch of little bottles of body...
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Oh my god, can you plan my birthday party this year? It's not until November but... Anyway, I would be honored to make a pink collar for Atlas. Send me the measurement around the biggest part of her head and I can get some wider material from the store. What scents of candles to you have?
The larger pipes (5 in. long) we sell for $20 and the smaller ones (3 1/2 in.) are $15. They're all really heavy, so far no one that we know of has been able to break one. We have a friend that has one from 3 years ago that he constantly drops on his tile floors. The materials for the thicker collars cost a little more than the small ones so $10 I guess.

Great photo, I wish my pit got along so well with my cats. Elsa loves to chase our cats and then they swat her muzzle and soon she running around happy as hell bleeding on everything. Shes a rescue dog and did not grow up with cats. Any thoughts?