Well, we're mostly moved. Far from unpacked. The house we moved into hasn't had people living in it for quite a while, so there's been some "reactivating the house" issues.... a minor gas leak, illegally vented hot water tank that needed to be replaced, now we've lost water pressure in the upstairs sink. Little things, to be expected. The house is so huge and awesome. I was able to catch the feral kitten and bring her with - she's living happily in a big dog kennel in the garage for a while. We finally let all the other cats co-mingle, and they are all doing great. There was even some aloof snuggling going on last night, and it was only slightly forced.
Tons of catching up to do... tons of unpacking to do. I think I am going to go try and set up the TV again... I got the big tv all set up the other night, just to discover that the cable outlet I used was dead. On to plan B.
Tons of catching up to do... tons of unpacking to do. I think I am going to go try and set up the TV again... I got the big tv all set up the other night, just to discover that the cable outlet I used was dead. On to plan B.
We just had an AC/Heating guy come today to fix our heater which was working perfectly during the summer. It passed the home inspection with flying colors in May and on our first day with lows in the 40's, it won't start.
We could have sworn that we paid for the home warranty when we bought the house but it looks like our realter forgot to put it in the final contract. That's just how things work I guess. Isn't it funny that the first things you set up when you move in some place are the TVs and the computer? Just shows where our priorities lie. We made sure the internet and cable were working before we even moved in. Ok, so lots of pics when you have time. Oh and unpacking is highly over-rated!

Thank you! Give Atlas and Shredder a big hug for the birthday card for me. This was my first "grown-up" birthday. No cards in the mail, nothing to unwrap, no candles to blow out...just another day older. My mom even called on Friday so she didn't have to on Saturday. Ouch.