I thought it was funny that Ellen used Storm's Ellen panties as an excuse to touch her stomach. I would have done the same though. The midgets in my salsa class turned out not to be midgets at all. They're 5th graders who can actually dance. It means I actually have to prepare choreography to teach them. I guess it's time I finally have to earn my 60 bucks an hour damn it!
Leopard geckos are so easy to care for! They're not wall stickers or jumpers so you don't have to worry about them escaping from an enclosure that's only 8 inches tall. They're carnivores which is the only disadvantage in my opinion, because you have to feed then crickets or mealworms everyday. They don't require expensive full spectrum or UV lighting like most lizards. They don't bite or make noise. And last but not least they're going to make me $100 each per baby hopefully (1 F can produce 50 good eggs a month), so...they're pretty much perfect!