Feast your eyes upon the animal goodness that was my trek to NW Trek.
We'll start small, with perhaps this bird... the endangered Sandhill Crane.
I will build the suspense by now showing you this cute display of "footsie"...
"Hey baby, what's your sign, Aries?"
"No... I'm a Taurus, grr"
"Oh, Taurus.... later!"
Check out that rack!
Check out THOSE racks!
Sleepy wolfie!
Blurry but cute....
Seriously sexy buffalo drool.
Apparently buffalo like to take dirt baths.
here kitty hitty...
The endangered "combover".
Cute girlie moose.
I might just be in love! So cute! Ok... and deadly, I know.. but cute!
Ok, so the last friend of the day.... I see something off the side of the path in the bushes. It was small , and rooting around in some low groundcover. All of a sudden he pops out onto the walkway, with a mouthfull of greenery he pulled up... I was just fast enough to get a blurry pic of his butt as he was scampering off.... I'm not sure... soem sort of little rodent... marmot? Gopher? Dunno!

We'll start small, with perhaps this bird... the endangered Sandhill Crane.

I will build the suspense by now showing you this cute display of "footsie"...

"Hey baby, what's your sign, Aries?"

"No... I'm a Taurus, grr"

"Oh, Taurus.... later!"

Check out that rack!

Check out THOSE racks!

Sleepy wolfie!

Blurry but cute....

Seriously sexy buffalo drool.

Apparently buffalo like to take dirt baths.

here kitty hitty...

The endangered "combover".

Cute girlie moose.

I might just be in love! So cute! Ok... and deadly, I know.. but cute!

Ok, so the last friend of the day.... I see something off the side of the path in the bushes. It was small , and rooting around in some low groundcover. All of a sudden he pops out onto the walkway, with a mouthfull of greenery he pulled up... I was just fast enough to get a blurry pic of his butt as he was scampering off.... I'm not sure... soem sort of little rodent... marmot? Gopher? Dunno!

Hey, have you ever seen a chihuahua get a cherry eye? I just noticed that Peanut has what appears to be a cherry eye.
I had assumed that this only happens to bully type breeds.

argg...stupid pictures...