Death to Polly!
Surgery was fun. Good recovery... felt really great until about the 24 hour mark then kind of hit a wall. Maybe the anesthesia and drugs are wearing off... and my maryjane is kicking back in hehe... I need to go pick up my vicodin at the pharm and see if it agrees with me.
The gross details if you're interested....
Now THAT is exciting news! One of my girlfriends has been battling polyps since she was 15 and has just recently started showing symptoms of a new one. I get to see the excruciating pain she's been going through so I can imagine what you've been feeling for so long. Brutal! I'm soooo glad you're recovering finally. And, hehe...I still have my Volvo too. My husband hates it because it's been a bit of a money pit so far (kind of like Penny, lol) but I love them both so much. So after a bit of tantrum throwing the sale of the Volvo has been postponed indefinitely. I guess he loves me.
I will take some pics of the interior and stuff later and post them for you.