Quickie trip update... have been to AZ... weather was beautiful! UHaul sucks ass. Just spent the day at Magic Mountain... fuckin yeah! I'm such a pussy, but I did go on a couple big roller coasters! I'm so homesick and ready to get home. We're in Castaic CA and leave first thing in the AM... one more stop prob in OR to sleep and home on Wed PM. Getting home is SLOW going because we're hauling a very full 12 foot UHaul trailer... putt putt putt on the hills. Hope everyone is well! I've mostly recovered from my sickness but have had some serious asthma complications lately! Anyway... home soon!!
Oh geez! your pictures of the animals make me miss working at the shelter/ vet. the chocolate lab/ basset (?) dog on the first picture and the huge dog in the tiny bed pic made me laugh.
Thanks, puppy! I've missed bumming around here.