Tomorrow I am going to have the best massage EVER.

I am currently starting the outline of my official "business plan" for what I am currently calling "Wax Lights Soy Candles". Does that name suck? I'm so unhappy with trying to come up with a name.... if you have a suggestion, and I use it, I'll give you like a year's worth of soy candles....
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What is it with respiratory illness lately? Why must I suffer?? I have this weird taste in the back of my throat that reminds me of dirty undies and rancid orange juice.

Ok, over it, moving on...

I'm so ready to just move on from my job... the clock is ticking. In an estimated 2 months I can just walk and be free. Until then...
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p.s. i hope you feel better soon! frown kiss
My pinball machine's manual recommends waxing the balls and playfield once a month. That's why they never play right in bars and arcades (nobody bothers to do any maintenance on them.) smile
Of course I would choose today to update... I have to make it difficult on myself because it is very hard to type with a thumb that is swollen up like a big red grape from a nicely infected cat bite. Well, not so much a bite I guess, more like several... she came in for a second mouthful before she started shaking her head...
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We just bought a Jetta sedan and love it so much. It's way fun to drive!
Mike picked out a 2002 Jetta sedan. After having a hatchback for 8 years, I really wanted a truck. smile
Quickie trip update... have been to AZ... weather was beautiful! UHaul sucks ass. Just spent the day at Magic Mountain... fuckin yeah! I'm such a pussy, but I did go on a couple big roller coasters! I'm so homesick and ready to get home. We're in Castaic CA and leave first thing in the AM... one more stop prob in OR to sleep and home...
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Oh geez! your pictures of the animals make me miss working at the shelter/ vet. the chocolate lab/ basset (?) dog on the first picture and the huge dog in the tiny bed pic made me laugh. smile
Thanks, puppy! I've missed bumming around here.
Counting down the hours....

In 9 hours I will be at work. In 16 hours I will be on the road!! Southbound here we come! Wicked prickly porcupine coughs and all!
Have a great trip!
I leave in 3 days... and guess who gets sick! I feel like I inhaled a porcupine.
If any local kids are reading this....

Go see Sambusa at the Showbox on the 10th! The lead singer is my boss's kid, and I love to lend support, but I will be leaving on my roadtrip that day and can't go! Sambusa is a very funky rockin sweezie skeezie local band that have been playing in the area for a couple of years now......
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I just want a fire in the fireplace... is that too much to ask? Just to take the chill out of another foggy day... like the day before. I'm tired of turning on the heaters... I can almost see the dollar signs dissapating into the drafty corners of my little apartment every time they kick on. Just a fire. What do you need for a...
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Hopefully they'll be amazed by the whole oil crisis because by the time they grow up the world will be using renewable energy. It's my hope anyway. Actually, my hope is that whatever happens between us getting to the renewable energy and where we are now is not as bloody and stupid as I think it will become.
She comes home tomorrow after 10am. I miss her already - I am looking foward to bringing her home!
What a gorgeous backyard! That's like something out of a movie. I really do have to go to the Northwest.
I'm so excited for my trip! I'm SO excited for my trip! I'M SO EXCITED FOR MY TRIP! Sarah and the dogs and I are going to pack up the truck and drive down to AZ in Dec. I have a whole week and a half off work! Road Trip. It just totally takes me back to being 19 and not having a fucking care...
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Have a great road trip! I would love to go on one again. It really is a great feeling of freedom and possibility. Enjoy your time on the road, and enjoy the sights. I loved the Grand Canyon in AZ, and just seeing the cacti landscapes made me happy too. I actually really love the desert. It strangely feels like home to me, even though I have lived this whole life in the NorthEast.
Thank you! kiss
I have been nursing the worst headache all morning... damn my abnormally structured entire right sinus area! It really really sucks that even being an insured individual, if I want to be able to breath out of my right nostril I need to spend $70 a month on steroid spray. Fuck that! I will self medicate with caffeine, forced sneezing, spacial orientation (tilt the head,...
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That is such sad news frown mad

Email me your travel plans... There are a couple off leash beach areas around here....
How horrible. frown I can't imagine bailing somebody out who was in jail for beating somebody, even if it was my own kid. I am sad for humanity. frown