This weekeend fucking sucked..... it fucking sucks... i dont know if anyone else feels this way but like you have a super kick ass night and then you are contantly searching for that smae kinda magical night again and it never comes, or anything close to it..... fuck i want something cool to happen... only thing cool is that my band is gona play hollywood...
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What's the line up out in Hollywood? Stick it here.

Blah!!! thats all i have to say.....its friday and i have nothing to do which sucks. I hate this i work sooo much and when i actually get a second to do something im either way too indecisive or.. there really is'nt anything to do. anyway im gona keeep lookingmaybe something will pop up!!!

Hey whats up Magenta how you doing?!?!?!
Hey Sita Baby!!!! Kiki is fucking hottttttttttttttt....
C/O isplaying the Fat Cat in modesto on sunday... then in Santa Barbara on the 9th and some otherplace in LA that weekend... then the 17th in madera.. near fresno,the 18th in redding, and the 19th in Sac......btw are you driving again?????
C/O isplaying the Fat Cat in modesto on sunday... then in Santa Barbara on the 9th and some otherplace in LA that weekend... then the 17th in madera.. near fresno,the 18th in redding, and the 19th in Sac......btw are you driving again?????
Last night was a blast .. i wish i had something to do tonight!! fuck i am soo bored and i have too much house work to do but i dont want to do it !! lol
I went the Rocky Horror Picture Show last night in Oakland with these two hot chick friends of mine. (we were planing on a dirty night out but...
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I went the Rocky Horror Picture Show last night in Oakland with these two hot chick friends of mine. (we were planing on a dirty night out but...
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Was Rocky Horror at The Parkway Theatre??? SG Smurf was in it if it was!! I was supposed to go to that show.
Sorry I missed it! I totally would've loved to do RH w/ you.

Sorry I missed it! I totally would've loved to do RH w/ you.

So I just ended this mini tour with the apex theory and onus... and it was great but i am beat as fuck right now... 10 days in a row damn!! Im looking forward to some sleep or sex this weekend either will work =).
My very kind friend Sita got me here so i should say thank you again, its pretty pimp so far....
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My very kind friend Sita got me here so i should say thank you again, its pretty pimp so far....
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Welcome to the site

hello Sitas friend. welcome welcome to sg. stick around for awhile, you will enjoy it. Tour is the BEST, but 10 days, dammn thats not too long. i am looking for a tour doing merch/tour manage assist right now, so if you wanna talk or hear of any good paying tour jobs....dont be a stranger and let me know.
where was the 10 days to?? west coast tour?
where was the 10 days to?? west coast tour?