Hesitant to say it, but it looks like things are stabilizing. Still got classes to finish up, some parts of the move to handle, but the worst is over I think. I'll miss Hawaii, but I'm excited for new things. I'll be in California for the next stage things, no idea how it's gonna go or what's gonna happen.... but should be fun.
I'm stoked to have access to so many more trails, ability to roadtrip, and maybe seeing some artists in LA. Having cheaper airfair to get places in the US if need will be a lifesaver, coming in from Hawaii always added hundreds over just being on mainland US already.
I don't have my art stuff yet, all of it's somewhere in a box maybe in the pacific (I hope) so I'm stuck with a sketchbook and a laptop, but that's enough for now (especially while I catch up on homework lol).
It's a lot of changes this year, but fingers crossed it'll be as good as the changes that led me to Hawaii in the first place 🤙