When I read this I wanted to puke.
girl 6 is a SEX WORKER
As a father I cant even IMAGIN what would have to go through your head to even THINK that SELLING your 5 year old DAUGHTER into SEX SLAVERY would be a GOOD thing.
There are FEW things in this world that make me THIS angry.
(getting up on my soapbox now.)
PERSONALLY I think that ANY parent that sells there child into sex slavery should be put in jail forever. no posibility of parole EVER, the men who PRAY on these little girls should have there DICK'S CUT OFF with a DULL RUSTY butter knife, and paraded around the world as the perverted pigs they are, they get bread and water.. jsut enough to keep them alive for 2 years. IF they can servive that.. then they can go home. oh they cant hold jobs, EVER again. they cant have bank accts cant have anything that would make them any money.. except by BEGGING for it. in special places DESIGNATED for people like themselves. IF they are cought in places where they are not supposed to be.. fine.. they get to do the shame train again for the rest of there lives. and the people who PIMP the the little kids out........ DEATH by BEHEADING.
yes this is a HARSH thing to say. you dont like it TOUGH SHIT
we are talking about CHILDREN little girls that are not even old enough to be in SCHOOL YET. we are supposed to PROTECT THEM from harm NOT make thier LIVES A LIVING HELL
ya I am pissed off at this...
ok im getting off my soapbox now.
if you have small children..
go to them and hug them and kiss them and tell you that you LOVE them and will protect them from all the bad things. it is your duty as a parent.
Love, hugs, and kisses to you all.
and prayers for the little ones in slavery. may you be free one day soon.

girl 6 is a SEX WORKER

As a father I cant even IMAGIN what would have to go through your head to even THINK that SELLING your 5 year old DAUGHTER into SEX SLAVERY would be a GOOD thing.
There are FEW things in this world that make me THIS angry.
(getting up on my soapbox now.)
PERSONALLY I think that ANY parent that sells there child into sex slavery should be put in jail forever. no posibility of parole EVER, the men who PRAY on these little girls should have there DICK'S CUT OFF with a DULL RUSTY butter knife, and paraded around the world as the perverted pigs they are, they get bread and water.. jsut enough to keep them alive for 2 years. IF they can servive that.. then they can go home. oh they cant hold jobs, EVER again. they cant have bank accts cant have anything that would make them any money.. except by BEGGING for it. in special places DESIGNATED for people like themselves. IF they are cought in places where they are not supposed to be.. fine.. they get to do the shame train again for the rest of there lives. and the people who PIMP the the little kids out........ DEATH by BEHEADING.

yes this is a HARSH thing to say. you dont like it TOUGH SHIT
we are talking about CHILDREN little girls that are not even old enough to be in SCHOOL YET. we are supposed to PROTECT THEM from harm NOT make thier LIVES A LIVING HELL
ya I am pissed off at this...
ok im getting off my soapbox now.
if you have small children..
go to them and hug them and kiss them and tell you that you LOVE them and will protect them from all the bad things. it is your duty as a parent.
Love, hugs, and kisses to you all.
and prayers for the little ones in slavery. may you be free one day soon.

Know what's weird? I actually dreamed I had your broken keyboard last night. I really should spend less time online.