I JUST got home from spending the day with some friends of mine who live in FREMONT.
They took me to dinner at this little place in Union City
"Little Lamb Mongolian Hot Pot"
34396 Alvarado Niles Road
Union City CA 94587
If you are ANYWHERE Close to this place GO and eat there the food is FANFRICKENTACTIC ! ! !
( and not to pricey either)
They have these cool tables with a hot plate built into the center of it. you order what you want to eat and they bring you this big metal bowl with what looks like soup in it. ( its broth) and you cook the in it. ( In our case we had noodles, baby Boc choy, lamb, beef, chicken and pork. you jsut drop the stuff in wait a few sedconds and poof its done. fast simple and easy.
I hope that your all having a good day today.
* M U A H *
Love, Hugs and Kisses to you all.
They took me to dinner at this little place in Union City
"Little Lamb Mongolian Hot Pot"
34396 Alvarado Niles Road
Union City CA 94587
If you are ANYWHERE Close to this place GO and eat there the food is FANFRICKENTACTIC ! ! !
( and not to pricey either)
They have these cool tables with a hot plate built into the center of it. you order what you want to eat and they bring you this big metal bowl with what looks like soup in it. ( its broth) and you cook the in it. ( In our case we had noodles, baby Boc choy, lamb, beef, chicken and pork. you jsut drop the stuff in wait a few sedconds and poof its done. fast simple and easy.
I hope that your all having a good day today.
* M U A H *
Love, Hugs and Kisses to you all.

it's good times!